lastObjVisited System 1,Papers,1c:/papers,,70 ngdings System Times New Roman The Gopher Book 1.1 Rjz_tAJ Times New Roman ngdings System "4"\"H' +<,z.6/ hiddenObjList hiddenHistoryList bookmarkDialogButton ctrlID dlgInit button ok,b19,TRUE button cancel,b20,FALSE listbox bookmarkList,l25,Bookmark #1 Bookmark #2 dlgBox 524480,3,30,20,183,176,,,Bookmarks,8,Helv,ok,147.47,135.59,28.46,18.34,19,1342242816,128,OK,0,cancel,115.70,135.59,28.46,18.34,20,1342242816,128,Cancel,0,bookmarkList,11.20,6.93,164.27,120.62,25,1352728579,131,,0 configure notepad.exe c:\kevin\gophbook\winjpeg\winjpeg.exe telnet.exexe Gopher 0.2 Kevin Gamiel KEVIN_GAMIEL@UNC.EDU The MCNC Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval (CNIDR) UNC-Chapel Hills about The Gopher Book 1.1 5-24-93 Kevin Gamiel KEVIN_GAMIEL@UNC.EDU The MCNC Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval (CNIDR) UNC-Chapel Hill BbookmarkDialogButton buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp bookmarkDialogButton BbookmarkDialogButton buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp bookmarkDialogButton hiddenBookmarks 1,,,,70 1,Information About Gopher,1/Information About Gopher,,70 1,north carolina,1/Other Gopher and Information Servers/North America/USA/north carolina,,70 1,About CNIDR,1/About CNIDR,,70 1,Master Gopher at UMN,,,70 1,US Politics,1/sunsite.d/politics.d,,709a,1/../.pub/multimedia/pictures/smithsonian/gif89a,,70du,70edu,70 1,,,,70 1,Clients,1/NIDR Tools/Software Sources/Gopher/Clients,,70 1,Information About Gopher,1/Information About Gopher,,70 1,Other Gopher and Information Servers,1/Other Gopher and Information Servers,,70 1,,,,70 1,Minnesota Gopher,,,70 1,,,,70 1,Clients,1/NIDR Tools/Software Sources/Gopher/Clients,,70 1,Information About Gopher,1/Information About Gopher,,70 1,Other Gopher and Information Servers,1/Other Gopher and Information Servers,,70 1,,,,70 1,Minnesota Gopher,,,70 1,,,,70 1,Clients,1/NIDR Tools/Software Sources/Gopher/Clients,,70 1,Information About Gopher,1/Information About Gopher,,70 1,Other Gopher and Information Servers,1/Other Gopher and Information Servers,,70 1,,,,70 1,Minnesota Gopher,,,70 1,,,,70 1,Clients,1/NIDR Tools/Software Sources/Gopher/Clients,,70 1,Information About Gopher,1/Information About Gopher,,70 1,Other Gopher and Information Servers,1/Other Gopher and Information Servers,,70 1,,,,70 1,Minnesota Gopher,,,70 1,,,,70 1,Clients,1/NIDR Tools/Software Sources/Gopher/Clients,,70 1,Information About Gopher,1/Information About Gopher,,70 1,Other Gopher and Information Servers,1/Other Gopher and Information Servers,,70 1,,,,70 1,Minnesota Gopher,,,70 1,,,,70 1,Clients,1/NIDR Tools/Software Sources/Gopher/Clients,,70 1,Information About Gopher,1/Information About Gopher,,70 1,Other Gopher and Information Servers,1/Other Gopher and Information Servers,,70 1,,,,70 1,Minnesota Gopher,,,70 1,,,,70 1,Clients,1/NIDR Tools/Software Sources/Gopher/Clients,,70 1,Information About Gopher,1/Information About Gopher,,70 1,Other Gopher and Information Servers,1/Other Gopher and Information Servers,,70 bookmarks Information About Gopher north carolina About CNIDR Master Gopher at UMN US Politics leftCoverOfBook hiddenHistoryList) > 1 tbk_gopherObj( 0-1) "I'm )the root level!" buttonDoubleClick buttonDoubleClick tbk_gopherObj I'm at the root level! hiddenHistoryList arrow itemList selectedTextLines e"View Current Item" 4s_itemListRef tbk_gopherObj( hiddenObjList, viewItem "You must l_info "Type : " & -& CR & LF &\ "Name : " & P& CR & LF & \ "Selector : " & x& CR & LF &\ "Host : " & & CR & LF &\ "Port : " & tonUp buttonDoubleClick buttonUp viewItem buttonUp View Current Item View Current Item buttonDoubleClick tbk_gopherObj View Current Item hiddenObjList s_itemListRef viewItem You must first select an item to view! Type : Name : Selector : Host : Port : hiddenObjList l_info 0'border rectangle bookTitle coverOfBook configure = temp "1," & 8& ",," & P& "," & tbk_gopherObj( -- Error. Message now handled tbk_gohperObj leftCoverOfBook coverOfBook e"Place" buttonDoubleClick buttonDoubleClick buttonUp tbk_gopherObj Place coverOfBook leftCoverOfBook configure The Gopher Book Edition 1.1 Kevin Gamiel CNIDR UNC-Chapel Hill (Double-Click to Open) hiddenInitConfig hiddenInitBookmarks 1,,,,70 1,Information About Gopher,1/Information About Gopher,,70 1,north carolina,1/Other Gopher and Information Servers/North America/USA/north carolina,,70 1,About CNIDR,1/About CNIDR,,70 1,Master Gopher at UMN,,,70 1,US Politics,1/sunsite.d/politics.d,,709a,1/../.pub/multimedia/pictures/smithsonian/gif89a,,70du,70 hiddenInitConfig notepad.exe c:\kevin\gophbook\winjpeg\winjpeg.exe telnet.exe about --Move linkDLL statement handler "tbkdlg.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( init BOK,b37,FALSE ,s38," & about retValue wdlgBox ", "") function buttonUp buttonUp tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue button OK,b37,FALSE ,s38, dlgBox dialog tbkdlg.dll retValue about .2p1dlgInit button OK,b37,FALSE ,s38,Gopher 0.2 Kevin Gamiel KEVIN_GAMIEL@UNC.EDU The MCNC Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval (CNIDR) UNC-Chapel Hill z3>2dlgBox 524480,2,30,20,183,176,,,About The Gopher Book,8,Helv,OK,65.30,139.61,50.86,20.35,37,1342242816,128,OK,0,,16.65,4.59,153.07,126.65,38,1342177281,130,Gopher 0.2 Kevin Gamiel KEVIN_GAMIEL@UNC.EDU The MCNC Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval (CNIDR) UNC-Chapel Hill,0 3ctrlID about configure 3dlgBox 524480,11,30,20,174,186,,,Configure,8,Helv,eServerName,7.31,18.67,126.93,13.17,29,1350631424,129,,0,eServerPort,139.85,18.67,28.30,13.17,34,1350631424,129,70,0,eText,7.31,50.83,160.50,13.17,36,1350631424,129,notepad.exe,0,sImageViewer,7.31,68.92,80.30,11.45,37,1342177280,130,Image Viewer,0,eImageViewer,7.31,82.99,160.50,13.17,38,1350631424,129,ps.exe,0,cancel,83.85,141.29,39.66,22.11,32,1342242816,128,Cancel,0,OK,128.65,141.29,39.66,22.11,31,1342242817,128,OK,0,sServerName,7.31,6.61,108.30,11.45,30,1342177280,130,Root Gopher Server Host Name,0,sText,7.31,38.77,44.80,11.45,42,1342177280,130,Text Viewer,0,sTelnet,7.31,101.09,67.20,11.45,43,1342177280,130,Telnet Application,0,eTelnet,7.31,113.15,160.53,13.17,44,1350631424,129,telnet.exe,0 6dlgInit edit eServerName,e29, iedit eServerPort,i34,70 edit eText,e36,notepad.exe static sImageViewer,s37,Image Viewer edit eImageViewer,e38,ps.exe button cancel,b32,FALSE button OK,b31,TRUE static sServerName,s30,Root Gopher Server Host Name static sText,s42,Text Viewer static sTelnet,s43,Telnet Application edit eTelnet,e44,telnet.exe b8ctrlID configure deleteBookmarks 8dlgBox 524480,4,30,20,183,196,,,Delete Bookmarks,8,Helv,ok,145.45,159.34,28.46,18.34,19,1342242816,128,OK,0,cancel,113.71,159.34,28.46,18.34,20,1342242816,128,Cancel,0,bookmarkList,11.05,18.63,164.27,132.68,25,1352728587,131,,0,sHelpText,11.05,4.55,162.40,11.45,49,1342177280,130,Select the bookmarks to delete and press OK,0 :dlgInit button ok,b19,TRUE button cancel,b20,FALSE listbox bookmarkList,l25, static sHelpText,s49,Select the bookmarks to delete and press OK :ctrlID Delete Bookmarks --Move linkDLL statement handler "tbkdlg.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( host configure port textView imageView telnet init eServerName,e29,"& iedit eServerPort" &\ ",i34,"& eText,e36,"& static sImageViewer,s37,"&\ eImageViewer,e38,"& J,b32,"&\ "FALSE BOK,b31,TRUE s30,Gopher "&\ "Host Telnet,"&\ "s43, Application eTelnet,e44,"& --The function used the initial value box control. ) returns :modified initialization there was error. ) requires three parameters: A reference whose should be changed (e.g. " "listbox Files") ,"","") occurred." --A displayed Hcalling similar --that describes final values each user defined property box. retValue dlgBox retreive a specified returned retreived temp buttonUp buttonUp tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue edit eServerName,e29, iedit eServerPort ,i34, edit eText,e36, static sImageViewer,s37, Image Viewer edit eImageViewer,e38, button cancel,b32, FALSE button OK,b31,TRUE static sServerName,s30,Gopher Host Name and Port static sText,s42,Text Viewer static sTelnet, s43,Telnet Application edit eTelnet,e44, dlgBox dialog edit eServerName getValue edit eServerPort getValue edit eText getValue edit eImageViewer getValue edit eTelnet getValue retValue telnet imageView textView configure --Move linkDLL statement handler "tbkdlg.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( init Bok,b19,TRUE J,b20,FALSE listbox bookmarkList,l25," & bookmarks --The function used the initial value [control. ) returns 6modified initialization there was error. ) requires three parameters: A reference whose should be changed (e.g. " Name" Files") ,"","") occurred." --A displayed Hcalling similar --that describes final values each user defined property box. retValue dlgBox retreive a specified returned retreived l_bookMark hiddenBookmarks) tbk_gopherObj( -- Error. Message xprocessed e"Place" leftCoverOfBook coverOfBook buttonUp buttonUp tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue button ok,b19,TRUE button cancel,b20,FALSE listbox bookmarkList,l25, dlgBox dialog listbox bookmarkList getValue tbk_gopherObj Place coverOfBook leftCoverOfBook hiddenBookmarks l_bookMark retValue bookmarks 64"b$ --Move linkDLL statement handler "tbkdlg.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( init Bok,b19,TRUE J,b20,FALSE "listbox bookmarkList,l25,"& bookmarks&" static sHelpText,s49,"&\ "Select the delete press OK" --The function used 6initial value control. ) returns omodified initialization there was error. ) requires three parameters: A reference whose should be changed (e.g. " Name" Files") ,"","") occurred." --A displayed Hcalling similar --that describes final values each user defined property box. retValue dlgBox retreive a specified returned retreived toDel textlineCount( hiddenBookmarks) -- Don't )+1) updateBookmarks buttonUp buttonUp tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue button ok,b19,TRUE button cancel,b20,FALSE listbox bookmarkList,l25, static sHelpText,s49, Select the bookmarks to delete and press OK dlgBox dialog listbox bookmarkList getValue updateBookmarks hiddenBookmarks toDel retValue bookmarks setupMenu loadNIRSDK temp sNIRStartup() "Couldn't initialize I.DLL! This probably means that you don't have a Winsock compliant " &\ "TCP/IP package installed properly. Please read the file MANUAL.TXT more information." "Your `s less than version 1.1, required loadBookmarks loadConfig hiddenHistoryList hiddenObjList itemList bookTitle leftCoverOfBook coverOfBook saveBookmarks updateConfig NIRCleanup() unloadNIRSDK hiddenBookmarks <> hiddenInitBookmarks want bookmark f"Yes" imyPath() & "\ ?.ini" updateBookmarks bookmarks textlineCount( configure <> hiddenInitConfig configuration fYes gophbook. -- Assume -- Remove trailing \ )-13) "Couln't .ini c"File" c"Page" c"Text" c"Edit" c"Help" "E&xit" "&Restart Gopher" "&Go ..." "&Place" c"&Options" "&Configure" "&View Current Item" "&Index" "&About 1.1" viewCurrentItem viewItem restartGopher index & " " & manual.txt" aboutGopher11 BbookmarkDialogButton BdeleteBookmarks place "Are sure )" & & "?" \ = Yes "You already )+1) )+1) linkDLL "kernel" WORD globalAlloc( ,DWORD) Free( POINTER globalLock( >Unlock( c"dll" KERNEL. X"nirsdk. sGetGopherDir(CHAR,STRING, numObjsFound() NIRGetLastError() getObjType( getObjTitle( getObjSelector( ,INT) getObjHost( getObjPort( getGopherFile( setFileSpec( key,isShift,isCtrl handler interprets keyboard action. tbk_gopherObj p_dirObj,p_objNum ' = 0 -- "gophtemp. N) = 1 & " " & c"no such "Can't find viewer " & = 1 -- Directory l_selector CR & LF -- Network activity starts here l_temp -- gends -- No ERROR "I can only rst 125 displayListOfObjects( )+1) -- Some error. Parse code l_err NIRError( -- CSO phone 8server "The service ximplemented -- represents -- BinHexed Macintosh mac") ) = 1 I saved %GOPHTEMP.MAC."&\ keep rename NOW!!" -- DOS binary dos") ) = 1 L."&\ -- UNIX uuencoded unx") ) = 1 UNX."&\ -- ("Enter a keywords -- -- -- No )+1) -- Check -- Telnet session tempTelnet & " " & & " " &\ remote host & ", port " & & ". "Login & "." & CR & "Want me """ & & """?"\ c"no -- Binary bin") ) = 1 BIN."&\ J = "+" -- Redundant a redundant = "T" -- tn3270 = "g" -- Gif gif"); -- ) = 1 -- & " " & c"no = "I" -- -- ) = 1 -- & " " & c"no "I'm too brain-dead type s p_title l_numObjs > 16 l_type tbk_gopherObjType(i) Bi + 1 "2 " & tbk_gopherObjTitle(i) Bi + 1 "& " & Bi + 1 "L " & Bi + 1 "M " & Bi + 1 "< " & Bi + 1 "< " & Bi + 1 "< " & Bi + 1 "$ " & Bi + 1 ": " & Bi + 1 "< " & = "+" Bi + 1 "& " & = "T" Bi + 1 "L " & = "g" Bi + 1 "? " & = "I" Bi + 1 "? " & Bi + 1 "L" & -- Update [l_tempObj tbk_gopherObjSelector(i) tbk_gopherObjHost(i) tbk_gopherObjPort(i) Bi+1 wingdings Bi+1 p_itemNum l_globalMem 0,512) l_buf l_tempString pointerSTRING(0, globalUnlock( globalFree( 0,512) 0,512) 0,512) stripQuotes p_string -- Strips ") >= 3 8)-1) p_code coming message 6 = 100 -- INIT failed. "Hostname lookup q = 101 "Connection refused!(1)" = 102 -- anything -- xaccepting queries. f!(2)" = 103 !(3)" = 104 "Remote Fetch = 105 = 106 = 107 = 108 = 109 -- More !125 were found = 110 "Undocumented Code = " & d _}o dConfig saveBookmarks setupMenu viewCurrentItem restartGopher updateBookmarks index aboutGopher11 leaveBook configure updateConfig remove place loadBookmarks loadNIRSDK unloadNIRSDK enterBook keyDown displayListOfObjects loadConfig NIRError herObjType tbk_gopherObj tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjSelector myPath tbk_gopherObjHost tbk_gopherObjType tbk_gopherObjPort stripQuotes enterBook reader sizeToPage setupMenu loadNIRSDK sNIRStartup Couldn't initialize NIRSDK.DLL! This probably means that you don't have a Winsock compliant TCP/IP package installed properly. Please read the file MANUAL.TXT for more information. Your Winsock package is less than version 1.1, required by this application! QBloadBookmarks loadConfig coverOfBook leftCoverOfBook bookTitle itemList hiddenObjList hiddenHistoryList leaveBook vOsaveBookmarks updateConfig NIRCleanup "unloadNIRSDK saveBookmarks Do you want to save bookmark changes? myPath \bookmark.ini bookmark.ini bookmark.ini hiddenInitBookmarks hiddenBookmarks updateBookmarks hiddenBookmarks bookmarks updateConfig Do you want to save configuration changes? myPath \gophbook.ini gophbook.ini gophbook.ini hiddenInitConfig configure myPath loadBookmarks myPath \bookmark.ini Couln't open bookmark.ini file! bookmark.ini bookmark.ini updateBookmarks hiddenBookmarks hiddenInitBookmarks loadConfig myPath \gophbook.ini Couln't open gophbook.ini file! gophbook.ini gophbook.ini configure hiddenInitConfig setupMenu &File E&xit &Restart Gopher &Bookmark &Go to... Bookmark &Place Bookmark &Remove Bookmark Place &Options &Configure Options &View Current Item Options View Current Item &Help &Index &About Gopher 1.1 viewCurrentItem vviewItem itemList restartGopher buttonDoubleClick coverOfBook index myPath \manual.txt configure aboutGopher11 buttonUp about configure buttonUp configure buttonUp bookmarkDialogButton remove buttonUp deleteBookmarks place Are you sure you want to place a bookmark at You already have a bookmark on this page! bookmarks hiddenHistoryList hiddenBookmarks bookTitle loadNIRSDK kernel globalAlloc globalFree globalLock globalUnlock Couldn't load KERNEL.DLL nirsdk.dll sNIRStartup sGetGopherDir numObjsFound NIRGetLastError getObjType getObjTitle getObjSelector getObjHost getObjPort getGopherFile setFileSpec NIRCleanup Couldn't load NIRSDK.DLL! This probably means that you don't have a Winsock compliant TCP/IP package installed. Please read the file MANUAL.TXT for more information. unloadNIRSDK nirsdk kernel keyDown author isCtrl isShift tbk_gopherObj View Current Item gophtemp.txt setFileSpec getGopherFile myPath \gophtemp.txt no such file Can't find viewer sGetGopherDir NIRGetLastError I can only handle the first 125 menu items! displayListOfObjects NIRGetLastError _}NIRError The CSO service is not implemented in this version! This item represents an error on the server! gophtemp.mac setFileSpec getGopherFile This file is a Macintosh BinHexed file. I saved it as GOPHTEMP.MAC. If you want to keep it, copy and rename it NOW!! gophtemp.dos setFileSpec getGopherFile This file is a DOS binary file. I saved it as GOPHTEMP.DOS. If you want to keep it, copy and rename it NOW!! gophtemp.unx setFileSpec getGopherFile This file is a UNIX uuencoded file. I saved it as GOPHTEMP.UNX. If you want to keep it, copy and rename it NOW!! Enter a search string sGetGopherDir NIRGetLastError I can only handle the first 125 menu items! displayListOfObjects NIRGetLastError _}NIRError The remote host is , port Login is Want me to execute " no such file Can't find gophtemp.bin setFileSpec getGopherFile This file is a Binary file. I saved it as GOPHTEMP.BIN. If you want to keep it, copy and rename it NOW!! This item represents a redundant server. The tn3270 service is not implemented in this version! gophtemp.gif setFileSpec getGopherFile myPath \gophtemp.gif no such file Can't find viewer gophtemp.gif setFileSpec getGopherFile myPath \gophtemp.gif no such file Can't find viewer I'm too brain-dead to handle this type of object! tempTelnet keywords l_err hiddenHistoryList l_temp l_selector configure p_objNum p_dirObj displayListOfObjects numObjsFound tbk_gopherObjType tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjTitle tbk_gopherObjSelector tbk_gopherObjHost tbk_gopherObjPort wingdings l_tempObj l_type bookTitle hiddenObjList itemList l_numObjs p_title tbk_gopherObjType globalAlloc globalLock getObjType globalUnlock globalFree l_tempString l_buf l_globalMem p_itemNum tbk_gopherObjTitle globalAlloc globalLock getObjTitle globalUnlock globalFree l_tempString l_buf l_globalMem p_itemNum tbk_gopherObjSelector globalAlloc globalLock getObjSelector globalUnlock globalFree l_temp l_buf l_globalMem p_itemNum tbk_gopherObjHost globalAlloc globalLock getObjHost globalUnlock globalFree l_temp l_buf l_globalMem p_itemNum tbk_gopherObjPort getObjPort p_itemNum stripQuotes p_string NIRError Hostname lookup failed! Connection refused!(1) Connection refused!(2) Connection refused!(3) Remote server error! Fetch of Gopher field failed. Remote server error! Bad Gopher menu type. Remote server error! Fetch of selector field failed. Remote server error! Fetch of host field failed. Remote server error! Fetch of port field failed. I can only handle 125 menu items! Fetch of file failed! Undocumented error! Code = p_code